Productivity Arata! The first minutes of our day are important to put us in an adequate mental state for maximum productivity.
When we start the day doing the right things, our coherence and our consistency lead us to end the day well.
And if we start our day on the wrong foot, there’s a greater chance that the next tasks will also be inefficient.
So this video brings you a critical analysis of three productivity morning habits so famous that they’ve become clichés. Almost everyone who spells out lists of morning habits of highly productive people tells you to do exercise, meditate and eat fruit and whole cereals.
But is there proof that those things have a positive effect? Let’s go to the research!
1. Physical activity with professional orientation
The first big cliché is to start the day with physical activities.
They say that we can even change our mental state through physical activity, becoming more focused and concentrated. The truth is that although research indicates that physical activity can contribute to our mental health, especially as we get older, there are presently no details on the exact metabolic pathways involved, nor sufficient research that specifically proves what happens with our productivity and physical activity.
In the scientific studies, there’s still no strong evidence that physical exercise will surely improve your intellectual performance and your productivity.
Having said that, I’m a great enthusiast of physical activity, and I think it’s excellent as long as it is done in the right way, at the right rhythm and intensity for each person, and especially under professional supervision.
And keep in mind that physical activity is just one of several important factors, such as not smoking, not over-consuming alcoholic drinks, not eating too many sweets—well, good health is a complex subject with many factors, and so it’s very naïve to think that simply by doing morning exercise we become immune to all other factors.
So the recommendation here is: try it out, and see if it’s good for you. Always have good guidance from competent health professionals in whom you trust. Don’t run like crazy and wear yourself out just because you read somewhere that it’s a good idea.
It’s only the health professional in front of you who can evaluate you and guide you by creating a responsible plan.
2. Meditation for those who like it
Meditation is also usually listed as a practise of successful people. If you’re the kind of person who loves to read articles on productivity, you’ve certainly read somewhere that meditation is recommended as a morning activity for those who wish to become more productive.
So? Is that supported by evidence-based medicine?
Well, so far the studies about meditation’s measurable effects haven’t revealed any strong conclusion. Nowadays, there isn’t a high amount of evidence in favour of meditation as something that is guaranteed to increase people’s productivity. According to studies, we still can’t assert that meditation offers therapeutic effects, based on the existing literature. More research is necessary.
The scientific research that exists today on meditation is usually full of methodology errors and is generally of low quality. So we can neither say that there are benefits or disadvantages.
“Seiiti, so are you saying that we can’t meditate?”
If that’s what you understood, please re-watch the video. That’s not what I said. What I said was that it’s not proven by the reference research I showed that you will reap benefits in your productivity if you meditate.
If you already meditate, and that’s good for you, great! Or if you still don’t meditate and you want to try it, and you end up liking it, excellent.
3. Breakfast of champions
And finally there’s always someone with some ready-made recipe for a breakfast of the champions.
There are many myths on how breakfast must contain this or that food. Part of that belief was created by marketing departments of companies that sell cereals, milk, margarine, bread and juices.
Let’s take a look at the scientific research! A systematic review was performed and concluded that there is very little that can be stated about the influence of breakfasts’ macronutrients on cognitive functions.
The scientific evidence is starting to show that if you want to do some kind of special control on your breakfast, one way is to search for foods with a lower glycaemic index.
But even that still can’t be categorically stated.
It’s even worse to say that an ideal breakfast must contain so-and-so percent of fat, x percent of protein and y percent of carbohydrates.
Long story short: there’s no magical formula. Each individual is different, and that’s what I always repeat at natugood. So, before making any hasty decision, always ask competent health professionals in whom you trust and study a lot so that you make conscious choices. This includes choosing the health professionals with whom you feel more comfortable cooperating.
What we are saying is that those popular ideas of doing morning exercise, meditating and eating a breakfast of champions do not represent a magical formula. If you do them and you like them and that’s good for you, that’s all right. Just don’t believe that there are miracles. There are other more efficient habits if you want to increase your productivity, and I’ll share the link for you at the end of the video.
Perform that which brings you joy, plenitude, a good mental state. Find out what’s good for you, and remember that each person is different.
Seeking the ways that work for others is interesting, but during that search you can’t stop listening to yourself.
That’s valid even when your preference is contrary to the best scientific evidence available. Even if there is proof that some practise isn’t effective, if it doesn’t hurt you and it even makes you feel good, then keep doing what makes sense to you. That’s valid for any activity, such as taking care of plants, playing with your dog or any other thing that lowers your stress, helps your focus, inspires your creativity.
I promised you a link at the end of the video, and everything starts when you increase your focus. So visit now this link.